The Crazy One

Frank Looman
22 min readNov 30, 2020

(Published on Oct 5th 2019. Updated: Sept 5th 2021. Reading time: 20 minutes)

The Crazy One
A tribute to Leonard Orr by Frank Looman

‘Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do’.

‘Think different’ advertisement from Apple Computer Inc.

Here’s to Leonard Orr, the Crazy One. Nothing could describe Leonard better than these profound words above. Iconic words for an iconic man. Leonard Orr, the father and founder of Rebirthing Breathwork.

‘Think different’ was Leonard’s life motto. Not only did he lecture us about the importance of changing our thoughts in our beautiful minds, by stating that ‘energy becomes what it thinks about’ (one of his famously brilliant quotes) and letting us -during the morning(wake up!)calls in his trainings- experience the power of affirmations to actually think different. Any-One can teach that really and so, many teachers do. What made Leonard so unique and special in the world of personal- and spiritual development is how different he himself was and was thinking, compared to ‘the rest of the world’ ; -). He was in a world of his own and gave you the opportunity to join him there. I do believe that Leonard’s teachings and trainings (in Leonard’s own specific form) were not for ‘every-One’, in the sense that he came and therefor spoke from such a high level of consciousness (or craziness depending on your point of view), that not every-One would be ready to follow him or his teachings.

‘People like Leonard Orr, can only be understood and appreciated through your personal relationship to him and to yourself. They cannot be compared nor understood through reality’s standards, because they don’t belong to popular reality. They belong to their own reality, and we can only truly communicate with them or with any other human being by having the serenity, the inner confidence and the courage of surrendering at least to their vision or magnificent folly’.
Pola Churchill, author of ‘Eternal Breath’, A biography of Leonard Orr.

I myself, for sure was not quite ready (to say the least) to absorb what was waiting for me in my first ever ‘9-day Rebirting Breathwork training’ that I experienced with him in Belgium in 2008. That training -that took place this very week (27 Sept-5 Oct, 2008), exactly 11 years ago- changed my life forever. Now, 11 years later at this unfortunate moment in time I find myself with tears in my eyes writing an In Memoriam to my special friend Mr. Leonard Orr.
Leonard, I Am forever grateful to you for giving us the gift that is Rebirthing. And I Am grateful for you, exactly as you are. You, to me, were much more than ‘only’ the father/founder of Rebirthing.
Rebirthing Breathwork is one of the, if not the most versatile transformative healing tool out there in the world. And it is in the world, because of Leonard. His organization is called ‘Rebirthing Breathwork International’. The profound gift that Leonard gave us: ‘the power of our own breath’, transcends so many borders in ourselves and opens us op to a new world within and outside of us.

I assume Leonard himself came up with the term ‘Rebirthing’ because it is the perfect name. The profound process of conscious connected breathing offers exactly that. It can (amongst many other benefits) put you in an experience where you actually do feel as if you are re-born: you wake up -to your true Self- in a new world. This happened to me in my first encounter with Leonard. In this week -exactly 11 years ago- during my first ever 9-day rebirthing training, the organizer (the powerful Rose Windels — God bless you) stimulated me to ask Leonard to give me a session. I hesitated… why would Leonard give a session to me? Who was I to ask this? My sense of self-worthiness was never high (thanks dad!, thanks mom!), but Rose kept ‘pushing’ (one of her talents) me to do it. Alright, alright, alright… I left my resistance behind and put a note under Leonard’s sleeping-room-door to kindly ask him if he could give me a session. To be honest, I was not even sure why exactly I was asking this. But I would find out soon …

A few days later, after Leonard finished his favourite morning-talk about his imaginary friends ‘The Flying Yogis’, he announced out of the blue: ‘Right, so now we are going to do a public breathing demonstration with Frank’.
Sure you do. Yikes! I was more or less a virgin to breathwork (I just received my first 10 sessions months before) and I absolutely hate being the center of attention in a public group (‘my sense of self-worthiness was never high’).
But okay, I paid go(o)d money for this training (it was more expensive than usual, since it was held in a castle named ‘King’s Stone’ which had the most outstanding catering) so better make us of it! ;-)
The fact that Leonard himself would give me this session, won my inner protector team over and so there I was, laying on a mattress with a dozen of other-Ones sitting around me. There we go. The session was started by Leonard. Close your eyes and hope (pray!) for the best, man!

After I was breathing for 5 minutes under his guidance, Leonard left the building. The best man simply… left! Me! Alone! Goddamn-it! How disappointed I felt (just breeeeeathe through those feelings Frank, you can do it!). I pulled myself together and a willing assistant took over from Leonard’s guidance. 7 hours later the session came to an end. 7 hours that changed my life forever. During these 7 hours of almost continuous connected breathing I entered a new world.

A while after the session had started, the audience consisting of my fellow trainees needed to leave the building as well, since there was a program going on for them to follow, but I kept on breathing.
The moment every-One was out of the room (apart from me and my wonderful breath-assistant), something happened. Suddenly I saw -in my third eye vision- a big ball of light appearing in the air above my body.
I intuitively felt I should turn this ball with my hands, together with my assistant. (Yet another huge thing I need to thank Leonard and his amazing trainings for: I had no idea whatsoever that I -apparently- was such a developed intuitive human being, until I dis-covered it in Leonard’s trainings.
Leonard used to say that your intuition can not be trained. You are already intuitive: one just needs to un-train what is blocking you to be it. Very true , indeed).
So I asked my assistent to join me and thus we found ourselves turning an invisible (to the naked eye) ball that was floating in thin air above my body. ‘Good that my mother or family doctor is not entering this space right now’, I heard myself thinking. Even though I already had my fair share of personal- and spiritual self-development courses since 10 years by then, this was something else altogether.

We kept turning the ball for a little while and then suddenly… a beam of light appeared from the lower end of the ball and it entered my solar plexus and subsequently spread through my entire body.
‘Keep turning the ball!’, I insisted to my assistant. My entire body became injected with bright light and then light was emanating -literally- from my fingers!
I could see it all happening through my third eye (that I did not even know I truly had or could use, until I immersed myself in this magical training). Then suddenly I could see the face of my assistant -who was sitting next to me besides the mattress- changing from a 50 year old European woman with short grey hair into a 100 year old wise Native American/Indian looking woman with very long bright white hair. Even though no mother (not mine at least!) or family doctor would be able to explain this all… for me it was all real. An experience that I fully trusted. Flop! Suddenly in a split-second without physically having moved herself, my shape-shifting assistant was sitting on her knees just behind my head, bending her wise head towards mine. I had to open my mouth (sorry Leonard, I know you are a fan of nose-breathing!) … for her to breathe her breath into me while I was breathing. Our breath became One … it was unreal. But obviously it wasn’t… because what is indeed reality?
My 50 year young assistant in 3D-reality with her 3D haircut was still sitting next to me, whereas I was breathing her 100 year old shape-shifted version inside of me in another dimension at-the-same-time. (There I had the proof there is indeed no such thing as linear time). The ball of light was also still present, hovering over my body. The whole session in this scenario lasted for 7 hours. But -talking about the experience of time- when the session finally came to an end, it felt like it did not took more than 2,5 hours or so.

I felt completely normal after the session. As if nothing had changed/transformed in me. However… the next day I was asked to drive Leonard and his team to Brussels Airport and when we all were walking towards the check-in desks, it suddenly occurred to me that I was hearing the -unspoken- thoughts of one of the team-members who was walking next to me, in my own mind. Next to that… I suddenly sensed the past-life connections (one of the 5 Biggies of Human Trauma according to Leonard and he is obviously right) that people from the group had with some of each other and with ‘strangers’ at the airport. Walking further ahead, I sensed that a specific area of the airport was built upon polluted ground.
It all felt like I was in a high conscious connection of Truth with every-thing and every-One. At that moment I realized that Leonard’s 9-day rebirthing training had profoundly changed my life.
I walked towards him and his then-girlfriend Elvi and while tears were welling up in my eyes, I thanked Leonard for this unbelievable magical training which truly changed me and -therefor- my life for good.
On my way back to the car park I passed a woman and when our energy fields met I sensed that she was developing the beginning stages of cancer. I had no idea what to do… all this was totally new to me. I decided to speak to her and she was -thankfully- open to hear what I had to say and agreed to have a check-up with her family doctor…

I went back home to the Netherlands in that state, pretty flabbergasted and totally enlightened at the same time. What on earth just happened?
I tried for 10 years to heal myself from the disabling symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)… I literally tried everything under the sun for all these years to heal myself and… here I am: One, just one single session healed me from everything. All my persistently strong physical symptoms were gone with the wind! (pardon: the breath!)
Next to that, I was in such a high state of consciousness thanks to this -literally- mind-blowing training that, as a result, I was able to help people in a way that totally went beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I was able to see deep truths in people (and not to forget myself) that were normally safely locked behind the doors and veils of 3D reality.
This high level of consciousness stayed with me for 3 weeks. Or as I would state it now: I myself stayed with this level of consciousness for 3 weeks.
I could write a book about what I experienced further in those triple weeks of enlightenment (I experienced time totally different -there was only the now- ; There was no fear anymore about anything, so I could do and be everything; I felt so much love inside of me and for everything outside of me (especially to people I would normally avoid); The moment a negative thought about myself would start to popup in my mind, it would automatically be swallowed by the Light before it could even exist … my freakin’ mind did not stand a chance against me any longer. And so só much more …) and so I probably will one day write that book. To prevent this article to become (if I don’t stop these lengthy sentences, I’ll get there soon!) that very book, I will say that although the exceptional high vibrational state I was in, was closed for me after 3 weeks (by my own request, because quite frankly this level of openness to the world became way too much for me to handle (energetically) in myself… I was definitely not ready to carry it, let alone be it), my newly dis-covered intuitive/psychic abilities were still there and they remain so to this day.

Unfortunately all my physical symptoms returned as well after those weeks, but at least I gained something very precious instead, that I discovered during those magnificent 3 weeks, and that was my ability to ‘channel’. Although I was never really into all that before I participated in Leonard’s training, I did realize afterwards that I was always drawn the most to books that resonated on (high) Truth. And it turned out that all these books were channelled books. The ‘Conversations with God’ series for example from Neale Donald Walsch. And the masterpiece that is ‘A Course In Miracles’ from Helen Schucman, to name a few. This talent of being a channel for basically anything would -years later- become the new fundament of my transformative lightwork for people and communities and -not to forget- myself (it all starts there, right) in the first place.

My first 9-day training with Leonard introduced me to so many profound new truths. Stuff I never had heard of before in my life. EEP (Emotional Energy Pollution) or OPE (Other Peoples Energies… the more neutral version of ‘pollution’ ; -) ) , The Personal Lie/Law, the 5–8-and-counting Biggies of Human Trauma, Money Seminars, Spiritual Purification Practises, The Death Urge, Physical Immortality and Babaji. And more. It took me 7 consecutive years of following Leonard ‘s 9-day trainings to be able to allow myself to let these teachings in. Even then I was only able/ready to get most of it on the surface level really. Me and my hard-boiled ego/mind needed additional guidance from a powerful force to… bend me, to be able to truly surf on the waves of Truth that Leonard offers in his profound trainings.

This guidance came in the form of Babaji. I was introduced to him in -there we go again- Leonard’s trainings. Babaji? I never heard of the chap. But during breath-sessions in Leonard’s trainings specifically he appeared to me and communicated to and through me, giving me in-depth insights about myself, or the person that I was guiding to breathe or even the breathworker that was helping me breathe. Surprisingly enough, after 7 years of participating in Leonard’s training-programs and doing an infinite amount of sessions in between (in other schools, conferences, workshops, individual- and intervision sessions and what have you…), I started to experience that breathwork did not serve me anymore on the levels it once did. That was quite upsetting to realize, because Rebirthing Breathwork was by far the best healing method that came on my way in my endless search of dis-covering myself. I relied on this magnificent tool and I could no longer rely on it, for whatever reason. At least not for myself. Did I need something else to bring me to the next level?

At that point in time in my journey I was helping a client with a session in a crop circle (a crop circle contains high vibrational energy that at the same time is firmly grounded in its field (literally and figuratively), so it provides a transformative bedding for sessions). It was there when Babaji appeared to me in a channelling and asked me the following: ‘Frank, do you want to become my disciple?’
‘God. Uhm, no…no-no-no, no thank you’, was my honest reply. ‘I am not going to go to any ashrams, I am not going to do any devotional ceremonies, I am not going to kiss your feet or stop eating delicious meat (that rhymes). None of that, because that is not who I am’. Something along those lines I uttered (with a smile on my face) as my defence.
‘Frank, you don’t need to do any of those things. Be yourself and the only thing I request from you is to spread my messages of Truth and Light to the world’. ‘O! I can do that, yes!’, I enthusiastically replied without any hesitation.

Since around 2012 I found myself transitioning from a conscious connected breathworker to a conscious connected lightworker. Making use -via channeling- of all kinds of interdimensional sources that help me with deep processes in myself and my clients. After I had said ‘Yes!’ to Babaji to become his ‘disciple’ (skip that word… I still don’t like it. As you can see I had my fair amount of prejudice against ‘being a disciple’) … alright then: his student, I noticed he started to appear more and more in my sessions (instead of other sources of Light) to the point where I now almost exclusively work with him.

For Leonard himself, Babaji meant literally the world to him. Since his first meeting with Mahavatar Babaji in the late 70-ies, Leonard would travel many worlds (internally and externally) to be with him, to be able to learn from his master through first-hand experiences. Babaji brought Leonard to him, so Leonard could bring him to the world, through the teachings of Rebirthing. Leonard -as a very well educated consciousness student of life- was in need of meeting the master/creator of that life. Babaji is ‘the eternal manifestation of God in human form’, according to Leonard, so Young Len Raja Achariya (One of the names Babaji gave him, meaning: King of Teachers… and therefor Teacher of Kings) came to the right head-quarters. Leonard found there what he was searching for. Babaji (known as ‘The Angel of the Lord’… and therefor ‘The Lord of all Angels’) made it possible for Leonard to be in the presence of the eternal light of God in a way that would open up Leonard and his mind/head like never before on his never-ending journey to salvation.

It was only after reading Leonard Orr’s biography, that I realized what an impact Babaji actually had on Leonard and his work, as the author makes us the witness of a similar experience I had myself:

‘As I was breathing, a big bright ball of golden lucid light entered my naval area, and exploded into splashes of light inside my body. Every breath I took was an endless wave of pure ecstasy. The deep divine love I experienced was indescribable; it was beyond my wildest dreams. I never imagined such incredible energy existed! I literally went into another dimension; an angelic realm. Then I saw an angel with a huge wing span hovering over me. I heard celestial music that sounded similar to a high pitched soft chime. It continued for the next two days. I was in a subtle altered state. The message that I received during this awesome experience was, ‘You can truly anchor heaven on Earth here and now in your present body. To attain this state, you don’t have to die and leave your body’. Later on, I realized that this visit was indeed Babaji. It is known that He appears and disappears and travels in a ball of light’.

(…) ‘After talking to Leonard on the telephone. I noticed that I was feeling very blissful for the next three days! What is going on? I discovered later, that Leonard was given an extraordinary gift by the grace of Babaji. Leonard could transmit His energy to people, like a blessing’. — Pola Churchill, author of ‘Eternal Breath’, A biography of Leonard Orr.

It was only after Leonard’s passing that I decided to study his biography and when I read the above words -11 years after my own extraordinary ‘ball of light’-7-hours-rebirthing-session in 2008-, I realized that it must have been Babaji who made that life-changing experience possible for me via Leonard’s transmission (or should that read: trans-formative-mission). In my ignorance at the time, I thought Leonard simply ‘walked off’ after 5 minutes from the session and myself… leaving me alone. How misunderstood Leonard often was. But many great leaders often are. Instead of leaving me a-lone, Leonard transported me back into all-one-ness. He knew exactly what he was doing.

The gifts that I got out of the Leonard Orr trainings did not stop there, because in my last full training with Leonard in 2014 I met a fellow Dutch guy (a wise man in his 60-ies) who would become pivotal in my work with Babaji. He and his wife (who is a Rebirther too) had blind faith in Babaji. I didn’t. I saw myself as ‘just a channeller’ of Babaji (or any other source of light, for that matter). I did not have a relationship of fundamental trust with Babaji (or myself, it goes hand-in-hand). And I was (and am) highly critical of the information/insights/truth I would receive from any other-dimensional source, including Babaji, because I will not lend myself to spread anything that does not resonate with truth. This attitude turned out to be one of the reasons why I was picked by Babaji to work with him.

Back to my new Dutch friend, who became a VIP in my life. Not only did he and his wife help me to gain much more trust in Babaji (which benefited the quality of my sessions and the confidence in this kind of work and myself in it (there was always an undercurrent in my mind telling me it -this ‘channelling thing’- was all a gimmick) ; he made it also possible for me to be on a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ training with him and Babaji over the course of many years. During that time we worked extensively with Babaji on all kinds of subject matters in ourselves and in our lives. It transported us back into the profound material that Leonard taught me for 7 years. Literally almost everything that Leonard offers in his outstanding trainings, was now again represented to us in many circles of repetition. Not only were we given lectures by Babaji (on Other Peoples Energies, a selection of the 8 Biggies of Human Trauma, Money Seminars, Spiritual Purification Practises, The Death Urge and Physical Immortality), but especially the practical home-work (bringing in a new meaning of that word: ‘work that would bring us home’) that we would receive, made it possible to actually integrate the teachings directly in our lives.

Is this some kind of Hallejulah-story? Hell no. And yes. Lots of these sessions and processes and -as a result- a fair amount of our life situations went so intensively deep, that we could not [Esc]ape any longer the confrontations with our deepest fundamental pains and fears. Fears that we… feared to face, let alone change. It is (or at least it seems) so much easier to avoid it all and live your life from the ‘safe’ bubble as we all tend to do. Even truly after decades of inner work! And many times during those Babaji-training-years I had more than enough of the deep painstakingly confrontations with myself… I felt I was processing my life continuously instead of freakin’ living it! (A possible ‘trap’ that more soul-searchers in personal- and spiritual development circles fall into, but that’s for another article). My Ego and all its survivalist behaviour (that I never was aware of I had on such a strong level) needed to be crushed and it led me to holy and human moments of huge happiness, extraordinary success and bliss, but also many moments of unbelievable despair to the point where I wanted to end it all (hello Mr. Death Urge).

‘I am like fire, if you get too close, you may get burned, but if you stay too far away, you don’t receive the warmth’, said Babaji about himself according to Leonard.

Through all the rollercoaster phases of happiness and hardship and the supportive teachings of Babaji in the background however, I learned more than I was ready for in the previous 7 years, when I followed Leonard’s teachings just 9 days per year. Leonard used to say that he ‘followed his own 9-day training, every week’ and now I could also experience what he meant by that.

Most of the stuff Leonard lectured about and offers in his trainings I was able to follow during my time with him, but 2 things remained a total mystery to me, even after those 7 years. ‘The Death Urge’? Say what? ‘Physical Immortality’? No comment.
So, after a while Babaji started to emphasize his channelled lessons on those things. For good reason, because especially my VIP friend -who was with me in all these sessions- started to develop/experience more and more energy and behaviour of Death in himself and therefor in all aspects of his life. It (a remarkable minimized flow of Life) was already present in his entire life since he could remember, but due to being in this training with Babaji, it all became more and more conscious and tangible for him, because the transformative lightwork gave him the chance to lift it out of his unconscious mind and body like never before, so he could see it, feel it and deal with it.

Seeing it all happen in reality in front of my eyes to my best friend -with support of the teachings that we received from Babaji during this entire journey- made it possible for me to truly grasp the truth of Leonards teachings about The Death Urge. I could not not take it seriously any longer. I had to embrace it all, because me and my friend set out to reach the end of the tunnel (read: birth-canal) without needing a next life for it!

So then, let’s shine some light on the Death Urge, which I have come to realize is one of the most underexposed aspects of Human Life and therefor is -logically- not addressed in most (or any?) schools of personal- and spiritual development. With the exception to the rule… Leonard Orr.

(Edit: the part about the Death Urge that would follow now, has been given it’s own article, to keep the focus on the (already remarkable concise) Tribute itself. For those who are interested, here it is: [ The Unconscious Death Urge - Glimpses and Glitches in overcoming Death ]). (note: link to article disabled for now.)

Although both are directly related, understanding and experiencing the Death Urge much more consciously in recent years -through my own work supported by Babaji and experiences with myself and clients- , did not quite make me embrace the seemingly crazy and insane ; -) concept of Physical Immortality, it has to be said. Also, Leonard’s passing was not quite the supportive action one would expect in this subject matter :-). A few weeks before Leonard passed, Babaji spoke the following words in a session: ‘Follow the teaching, not the teacher’. Well… I guess I have no choice now! Since this year I am being invited to channel Babaji for ‘Physical Immortality & Youthing’ workshops held by friends in The Netherlands. I am not sure if I am quite ready for that, but Leonard had something to say about ‘not being ready’ (see below) so I’ll go with that.

Without Leonard I would never have had the opportunity to immerse myself in those magical trainings he created and be permanently uplifted to a higher version of myself, just by One single (!) session he started. Without Leonard there would simply be no Rebirthing Breathwork spread all around the world. Looking back on those 7 years of working with Leonard whilst being in Babaji’s extended training after that, I came to realize that Leonard meant the world to me ánd changed the world for me, in every sense(s) possible. He was literally & figuratively out of this world, and that is why he freed me from it.

From all the teachers that I had the privilege to train with on my journey of spiritual development, he resonated the deepest with me. Without meeting mr. Orr, I basically would not have had the life I have now. And for all this I am eternal grateful to him.
I love you -very much- Leonard, not only because of the profound beautiful gifts of Truth you gave us, but also because of who you ARE.

You ARE The Crazy One. The Misfit. The Rebel of Rebirthing (that’s another good book-title for you!). The One who sees things very differently. And by being who you ARE and having the guts to stand for -and spread- your Truths, you changed things. You truly pushed the human race forward in the personal- and spiritual development worlds. And while some may see you as The Crazy One, I -and many with me- see Genius.


‘… the people who are crazy enough to *think* they can change the world, are the ones who do’.

Flash-back: during his 9-day training in Glastonbury in 2015, Leonard asked me to give him 2 private sessions where I channelled Babaji for him. At the end of the second session, Babaji asked Leonard to pay me 1008 euros for that session, which I thought was absolutely ridiculous. I couldn’t grasp at that time that it was my own ridiculously low self-image/self-worth that prevented me to stand for that value (stuff that -of all people- Leonard teaches in his invaluable Money Seminars). Leonard seemed to be happy with the session, but I felt -obviously- highly uncomfortable with that price, embarrassed even. To any client I would feel that, and this was even my own Teacher! But Leonard saw and acknowledged my value (yet another gift he gave me), which I could not see and accept yet.

One day later, on September 5th 2015 Leonard send me an email:

‘This is worth more than $1008 or euros. not feeling ready is based on fear. being more versatile and flexible cures your fears and many fears. when you do the thing you have the power. it just takes practice, you are never ready, just do it and fail or not fail. a little embarrassment won’t kill you. when you are talking to groups, your personal connection to infinite intelligence doesn’t leave you. and Babaji said that rebirthing is His beloved work on the planet. watching Divine energy move in people when you are not the center of attention is precious. as you get more attention from your channeling, rb sessions are a wonderful more flexible and versatile. i hope to see you again soon’.

That was the last time I saw him and heard from him. With tears in my eyes I write these words, because I can never see him again. Exactly 4 years later, on September 5th 2019 Leonard transitioned to the Light.
Leonard, you are forever in my heart, your extraordinary work will live on
-and by your request expanded upon- in Truth, Simplicity and Love.

A little update from 2021:
According to the Master himself: ‘Rebirthing will be rebirthed’.
Thanks to his newly gained position, without a limited human body & mind, he is able to re-position Rebirthing-Breathwork for humanity. A new form of Rebirthing is needed to help shape humankind back into Gods image. We are living in unprecedented times -in fact the End Times- where every human being gets the opportunity to safely move away from eating those seductively tasty apples from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil (a.k.a. belief in Duality) with its deathist mental-ity and instead to choose a new truly awakened life of Eternal Breath under the Tree of everlasting Life. A total rebirth for humankind where Death has no place to breathe…

Death or leaving the body is the basic way to avoid healing. Total healing is a new radical idea. Are you ready for it? — Leonard Orr

Leonard and me — United Kingdom, Glastonbury 2015

For every moment we shared,

‘You’ve got to
live your life
for every moment
from the shock of arrival
in a new world we share
to the pain of survival
I’ve always been there’

‘For every moment’ — Pet Shop Boys

(PS: English is not my mother language, so any outerwordly use of language… I have no control over ;-)

Frank Looman
Therapeutic lightworker
The Netherlands/The World
Member of Rebirthing Breathwork International
Supporter of The Leonard Orr Foundation

